The campaign is in it’s last 30 days before the election. Everyday, I am busy attending events, sometimes multiple events. I am sure that I have not yet knocked on enough doors, and if I have not stopped by your house, I apologize. HD 5 is big and very diverse, from professional people to blue collar workers, union members to small business owners, farmers and ranchers. A lot of folks in the district are republicans, but I have been happy to chat with them, I want to hear their views too. We have been distributing information and putting up signs every where we go. My campaign coordinator (Aislinn) trys to keep me on schedule and organized.
Today I was honored to be invited to speak to a Kansas Women for Kamala Harris gathering. It was so empowering to be in a room full of strong women, fighting to preserve the rights of their daughters and granddaughters. Fighting to have the right to control their own bodies. The Kansas legislature did not get the message in 2022. Kansans support women’s rights! My opponent has consistently voted against women’s rights for the past two years. She has consistently voted against public schools. And consistently voted against public safety. We need a change in Topeka! We need a legislature that listens to it’s citizens.
One of the things I have learned during this campaign is that people want to be heard, each has a story to tell, and no one has seen or heard from their representative for over two years. If a representative does not listen to the people, they are only serving their own interests and those of their corporate PAC’s that support them.