During the past few weeks as the Campaign has neared the end before election day, I have noticed how mean spirited people can be and how kind and generous they can be. Some people have great difficulty carrying on a civil conversation before sinking into vulgarity. Some are so lost in conspiracy theories and misinformation, they will never be able to listen to anyone. It is sad that some of our nations population has sunken to the lowest levels.
On the bright side, I have encountered people who display true joy and optimism for the future of our county. They work for a better day, they do not look back and they will not go back! The see through the hateful propaganda and lies. They still hold hope for those who are trapped in a dark cult.
I chose believe that the “better angles of our nature” will prevail and that our freedoms will be preserved. I chose to believe that there is more that unites us than divides us. I chose to believe that peace and harmony will prevail.