KS Legislature continues to push radical agenda.

The session has not yet hit the halfway point and the Republican majority are busy attacking tiny minority groups in Kansas. Groups that are mainly made up of children and defenseless folk who are easily rolled over, instead of tackling important issues like school funding and special education funding. The budget proposals made by the majority are far from adequate to meet the need of Kansas children. And they continue to push the Voucher give away for private schools. Schools that rural Kansans do not have access too, but we can take funds from their kids school. Schools that answer to no one, but public schools do. Schools that teach what ever they want, and do not answer to the Kansas Board of Education. In what world to Republicans feel that is fair and good for Kansas children?

The majority continues to attach voting rights, under the false flag of protecting ballot integrity. It seems the majority is so afraid of people having easy access to voting, that they want to make it as difficult as possible, in order to prevent people from casting a ballot.

The majority continues to attack the rights of women, ignoring what a majority of Kansans voted for. They continue to push radical agendas and off the wall bills in an attempt to put up a smoke screen so voters will not know what is really happening. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain as we go for a big power grab.

Kansans are dealing with life changing issues and our Republican majority just keeps fiddling, pushing a radical agenda that helps the wealthy and punishes the average Kansan.

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