Food, what’s on your plate today?

A bill introduced by our Republican friends in the Kansas Legislature, HB 2674 , would prohibit the Kansas Department for Children and Families from participating in the Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer program. This program provides food assistance to Kansas kids who qualify for free or reduced priced meals over the summer months. This bill was introduced and is currently sponsored by the Committee on Welfare Reform. The program provides $40 per month ($120 total) in federally funded grocery benefits, for families to purchase food over the summer for school-age children. These are the children who are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals. It isn’t a new program.   Kansas has used this program since 2020 when it was known as Pandemic-EBT.

Is is right to take food away from children. If they qualify during the school year, how do Republicans in the legislature expect parents to pay for extra food during summer? Many of these parents are hard working people doing the best they can and stretching a budget as far as they can. I think we have all been budget stretchers at one time or another. Kansas children deserve better! Taking care of our Communities is a Kansas Value!

When you look at these numbers, ask yourself, if a program is available, paid for by the Federal Government, why would we not accept it to help these kids eat?

Wellsville school district 289
Grades 1-12226
Baldiwn City district 348
Grades 1-12160
Kindergarten< 10
Osawatonie District 367
Grades 1-12528

Miami Co District 368
Grades 1-12338
Gardner Edgerton District 231
Grades 1-121473
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No matter what you might think of the situation, children need to be feed and you all know $120 in groceries is not much. So write your State Representatives and State Senators and tell them to stop HB 2674 from taking food from Kansas children!

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