Once again today, our nation has suffered another mass shooting at a school. This should not be seen as NORMAL! We can not become numb to this type of tragedy. The shooter is reported to be a 14-year-old boy. A boy too young to have any legal access to a firearm like the one used in this tragic event. Many will react with high emotion and demand banning of different types of firearms; many will react with callous disregard and insist they have a right or need to leave these loaded firearms in the home for self defense.
Friends, the simple truth is, that firearm was not safely stored. It was not safely locked away, with ammunition safely stored in a separate locked area. The person or persons who made that access possible are just as responsible as the shooter.
Safe storage helps prevent accidental deaths. Safe storage also helps reduce Veteran suicides and suicides in general.
No one wants to take away anyone’s right to own firearms, for hunting, sport shooting or personal protection. Safe storage when not in your care is all that is needed. It’s easy, it saves lives. A simple trigger lock, a locked draw or cabinet, is all it takes to make our children safer. Firearms are one of the highest causes of death for children 1-17 years old, in the United States.
Firearms are not toys, children should not have access to them.
#hj4ks #safestoragesaveslives #momsdemandaction #changetopeka