I had a great meeting with the folks in Miami County. I also was pleased to meet Stacy Knoell, who is running for KS Senate district 23. My message to the gathering in person and on Zoom, was about Community, Hard Work and Fairness to All! I listened to conversations centered on what our legislature is getting wrong. We need to bring common sense back to the statehouse. Did you know that our legislators have a retirement plan that that ranks 5th in the nation? While retired school teachers and other public servants struggle to get by in retirement.
The people of Kansas have gone too long being told what to think and what to do by outside interests! Evidence of that was clear this week, when Kansas Citizens were told to sit down and be quiet when they attempted to speak truth to members of the legislature. Our representatives should not be listening to “experts” from out of state, and telling Kansans to be quiet or be removed.
The current legislature has a long history of failing to listen to the people of this state. It’s time for change! Help me make a change!