Why I’m running:
I decided to run for office because I believe, as Kansans there is more that unites us than divides us. Too much time and energy are wasted on “Culture Wars” topics that are introduced from outside of Kansas. We have real world problems that need real solutions. School funding to ensure the equal education of our youth, infrastructure of our state, including healthcare availability, supporting agriculture and industry to create economic growth while preserving the environment for the future.
Kansas values include community, hard work, and fairness to all. Community, extending from our families to our neighbors and friends. Hard work, producing and creating a future for ourselves and our community. Fairness to all, ensuring healthcare, educational for opportunity, and equal treatment under the law, for everyone.
Education: The first sentience of the Kansas Construction, under Article 6, says, “ The legislature shall provide for intellectual, educational, vocational and scientific improvement by establishing and maintaining public schools.” I believe that our forefathers considered education of our young to be important for the continued growth and prosperity of our state. It was so important that one of the very first things they did was to set aside land for Public Schools and University’s. I support the public school systems.
Health Care Access: When I think of Health Care Access , I think of the seniors and persons with challenges, who would like to remain in their homes, in their town or on their farm. Too often there is no access to home care or local medical services in a community, that force people to leave their homes and move to look elsewhere for care. Too often, people can not afford healthcare insurance and go without medical care, fracturing the quality of life.
Fairness to All: If asked, most people would say Fairness to All, is simply treating others as we would like to be treated. With fairness, kindness, and respect. Fairness under the law, where oppression of children, the helpless and the weak is not tolerated or condoned. Where opportunity, equality and justice are the rule of law. And the law is not twisted to punish the innocent.
Energy : In Kansas, coal mining peaked in about 1927 and steadily declined over the years until the coal essentially ran out. Kansas currently ranks 14th in the nation for oil production and accounts for about 1% of the nations oil production. But production is difficult and declining due to many factors. The oil, like the coal will not last forever. Kansas is blessed with an abundance of sunshine and wind that we should take advantage of to produce renewable energy. Agribusiness: Agriculture has been a critical part of Kansas’ past, it is a major economic force and holds great potential for our future, with good stewardship.

Henry is responsive
to your concerns.
Tell us what you expect from your elected leaders, and tell us your concerns.
✓ Community
✓ Hard Work ✓ Fairness for ALl