Today is a special day in our city’s, counties and state, it is Voting day! Each year we have the opportunity to exercise one of the greatest democratic freedoms we have, we chose our leaders for the ensuing term. Every citizen is allowed to cast a ballot for our elected officials and to vote in favor or against ballot measures that will govern our laws and lives. We get to chose, we have the power.
Voting is conducted by mail in or early ballot, as well as in person at County offices and election polling places. It is so easy, that I can find no excuse why a citizen would not take a few moments to us this freedom we all hold dear.
Elections in this county are generally held on the first Tuesday of November and we should remember that it is just days away from November 11th, a day when we celebrate the sacrifices of our Nation’s Military Veterans. The cost of freedom is not free. Go VOTE, exercise your freedom, that has been so hard won and defended by less than 10% of our population.